Data and Analytics

Accelerate business value through mature data platforms leveraging our data engineering solutions and services.

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Data Strategy

A data strategy is a long-term plan that defines the technology, processes, people, and rules required to manage an organization's information assets. All types of businesses collect large amounts of raw data today.

However, they need a well-thought-out data management and analysis plan if they want to use this information to make informed decisions.

A data strategy outlines an organization's long-term vision for collecting, storing, sharing, and usage of its data. It involves establishing standards for infrastructure, data visualization, data management, technology, people & processes, and data governance. We bring the expertise to help you create a data strategy that meets the needs of the organization today, and in the future.

Data Engineering

We help build data pipelines and data stores that are high-performing, efficient, organized, and reliable, given a specific set of business requirements and constraints. Data engineering offerings include advisory, implementation and operating services with a focus on reducing cost of ownership, avoiding technical debt, and improving longer term sustainability.

Data Lakes

A data lake is a centralized repository that allows you to store all your structured and unstructured data at any scale. You can store your data as-is, without having to first structure the data, and run different types of analytics—from dashboards and visualizations to big data processing, real-time analytics, and machine learning to guide better decisions.
We assist customers to build data lakes for the following use cases:

Customer 360

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Сollect and process insights on customer behavior, and use that to improve recommendation algorithms.


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Investment firms use the most up-to-date market data, which is collected and stored in real time, to efficiently manage portfolio risks.


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Healthcare organizations rely on big data to improve the quality of care for patients. Hospitals use vast amounts of historical data to streamline patient pathways, resulting in better outcomes and reduced cost of care.

Omnichannel retailer

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Retailers use data lakes to capture and consolidate data that's coming in from multiple touchpoints, including mobile, social, chat, word-of-mouth, and in person.


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Hardware sensors generate enormous amounts of semi-structured to unstructured data on the surrounding physical world. Data lakes provide a central repository for this information to live in for future analysis.

Digital supply chain

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Data lakes help manufacturers consolidate disparate warehousing data, including EDI systems, XML, and JSONs.


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Data scientists and sales engineers often build predictive models to help determine customer behavior and reduce overall churn.

Data Governance
and Compliance

The modern CDO has a wide range of responsibilities, and offers solutions to address many of the challenges that today’s CDOs face. We help establish the processes and responsibilities that ensure the quality, consistency, and security of the data used across an organization. Our data engineering services include data governance strategy, data literacy education, data catalog, lineage, and quality services and accelerators, and more. And as more laws are enacted to regulate how organizations handle customer data; we have developed solutions to drive efficiencies in the customer data management domain.

Data Platforms

We provide organizations an easier way to use their data, while also securing that data, managing it, and offering an integrated view of it. A cloud data platform accelerates the journey to implementing a robust data foundation, enabling businesses to source, structure and analyze the data that matters and deliver enterprise-wide intelligence in less time and less cost than traditional methods.


Data Science

Your data holds the promise of deep insights, improved operations, and much more. Realizing those possibilities requires a data science solution unique to your needs. Data-driven insights are a must to remain competitive in today’s business landscape. Reliable insights require quick access to high-quality data from all your organization’s data sources.

Data science, when approached with a business goal in mind, has the capacity to improve sales and marketing efforts, streamline workflows, improve financial reporting and analysis, and optimize operations. We take a structured approach to data science. Our process allows us to identify opportunities within your business model where leveraging data can adjust, improve and optimize the way you make decisions. Jumpstart your data-driven initiative with a data science starter kit. In just 6-8 weeks, our data science consultants will build the foundation of machine learning, advanced data science analytics, or other data science solutions to help you achieve your goals.

Data Visualization &
Business Analytics

Analytics. Dashboards. Visualizations. Business Intelligence. No matter what you call it, the ability to access, analyze, and uncover insights in your data is essential for today’s organizations. Business Analytics & Data Visualization are two faces of the same coin.

You need the ability to chart, graph, and plot your data. Just as a picture is worth a thousand words, a visual is worth a thousand data points. The right visualization will help you gain a deeper understanding in a much quicker timeframe.

Before you decide to create any chart or graph, you need to decide what you want to show or convey. Charts convey one of the following types of information: Key Performance Indicators (KPI), Relationships, Comparisons, Distributions, and Compositions.

If you are thinking about instilling a data-driven culture in your organization and giving the power of business analytics and data visualization to all your employees, you need to go with a solution that is simple to learn and use, scales and adapts to the demands placed by your employees, and doesn’t end up being very expensive.

Ready to scale your business ?

Accelerate value from data, cloud, and AI.